
technology and the last of Spring

One of Norah's favorite things to do is play bubble breaker on Daddy's PDA. In these photos she is holding the stylus with her left hand, but trust me, it's no indication that she's left handed. She switches back and forth, seemingly ambidextrous at this point. She loves to "multi-task," playing bubble breaker while putting together a puzzle or eating a snack at the same time. It's pretty funny, yet scary to see her do this so naturally!

Here she is showing off her boots that Auntie Trish sent. The weather just turned warm so she won't be able to wear the boots anymore this year.  Sad. :o(

This is her little chair that the Wests have at their house just for when we visit (she's also wearing the outfit Melanie gave her). She kept asking me to take pictures of her, so I obliged. The second shot is her pose on the sleeping bags... Random but cute.