
spring is here

We've had a fabulous 2 weeks of firsts

first night in the crib (yippeee...we're going on 2 weeks now)

first laugh (this brought tears to her Daddy's eyes)

first roll (now I have to watch her like a hawk)

first breakfast on the patio of the year (all of us sitting in our own chairs!)

first feel of grass on her bare feet

first glimpse of our spring flowers (iris, creeping flox, tulips & flowering trees)

I can also bring her with me on errands because she is this little social butterfly. Smiling & "talking" to the bankers, cashiers, clerks, anyone that walks by...

This photo was taken yesterday when our bi-polar temperatures here in TN dropped from the 80s to the 40s. She had to wear her beanie & fuzzy clothes again!